Monthly Archives: November 2012


Welcome to Our Housewarming Party

Posted in blog by admin

Sign up for our new site and receive our gift to you, a free Madison Park download. This offer is valid until eternity…………….. The process of creating a new website is kinda like moving. You work yourself silly, clearing out what’s not needed, migrating what is, and then you enter

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What Can You Do

Posted in blog by admin

I recently shared an animal abuse case with a friend that I’m focused on. His response: “I understand that you care but what can you do”?  I explained I’ve never been one to turn a blind eye to something that profusely angers me and that I’ve made animal welfare my

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A Bit of Mystery

Posted in blog by admin

I love the quote by Edgar Allan Poe “I wish I could write as mysterious as a cat.” As I sit down to write lyrics to one of the four songs I’m working on this week, I realize, I’m not writing as mysteriously as I used to. I’ll think about

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